Wallpaper Monday [382] - Flakey [by @The_Mentalyst]
Who else gets excited when their photographer friends go on trips and make dope photos because it means new wallpaper? I know I do. Well, combined with a healthy dose of good old envy. Not envy of the snow though.
Tj aka @the_Mantalyst went to the Czech Republic and shot some snowy flakey goodness and I love it. You may too. Also his work is superb. See his Instagram if you haven’t. Make time for small feelings for jealousness.
![382_Flakey [by @The_Mentalyst]_Wallpaper_APPLE.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5985dadeebbd1aa41425358b/1555161501848-1PIS6TII0XJC1TD3BME2/382_Flakey+%5Bby+%40The_Mentalyst%5D_Wallpaper_APPLE.jpg)
![382_Flakey [by @The_Mentalyst]_Wallpaper_ANDROID.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5985dadeebbd1aa41425358b/1555109470296-A3D7EO9XKPUJPWL6UEZ0/382_Flakey+%5Bby+%40The_Mentalyst%5D_Wallpaper_ANDROID.jpg)
![382_Flakey [by @The_Mentalyst]_Wallpaper_iPhones.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5985dadeebbd1aa41425358b/1555161512554-TPM48CKT6KQ2BJ1H25Y7/382_Flakey+%5Bby+%40The_Mentalyst%5D_Wallpaper_iPhones.jpg)
You can download the wallpaper in your desired size below.
Have an amazing week ya’ll. Show love and be open to receiving love.
[Copyright 2019. This image is intended for the sole purpose of use as wallpaper for your phone or computer or tablet. Any other use is unauthorised without express permission of TJ.]